Engineering Leadership Unscripted
Learn from world-class software engineering managers.
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Featured Stories
Great managers lead great teams, ship great code, and empower great engineers.
Read actionable, battle-tested tips, tools, and best practices for new, experienced, and aspiring managers alike.
Leading with purpose: How to find a management style that works for you
Before I became an engineering manager at Amazon, I learned that every manager has a unique style. Finding mine gave my career a new sense of purpose.
Alex Kavalsky
Software Engineering Manager at Amazon
Let's break down the data science hiring process!
Charles Givre outlines his thoughts on making data science candidates succeed in terms of delivering value to organizations and how to make interviewees stand out.
Charles Givre
CEO, Co-Founder at DataDistillr
A website by mobile devs? How hard could it be?
Damien Cavaillès
Founder at WeLoveDevs
"User experience done right"
Alix Han
Staff UX Design Lead at Google
Software Engineering Manager Courses
Want to take your leadership to the next level? Take a course from an experienced software engineering manager.
Access courses with a free Educative trial
Become an Inspirational Manager: Bring Out the Best In Others
This course is all about helping you become a more inspirational manager by bringing the best out of others. You’ll receive practical advice on techniques that will help you navigate, elevate, and enable you to take control of your personal and professional life.
The Software Engineering Manager's Career Launch Guide
A handbook full of actionable, battle-tested tips, tools, and best practices for new, experienced, and aspiring managers alike